Thursday, March 8, 2007

Turtle's New Home

Like I said, the turtles quickly outgrew the 15-gallon tank they called home. I upgraded to a 46-gallon. Hopefully this will last at least couple of will be kind of crowded if both grow up to be 10" long. We will see.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Power Nap

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
Mr. Sun taking a nap during the afternoon...totally aware that I was doing a photo shoot for him.

Gimme some too!

Gimme some too!
Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
You think they are fighting for food...but it's really just a piece of gravel...


Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
Miss Mi about to have her escargot, a delicacy she only gets to enjoy once in a while.


Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
Mr. Sun enjoying dinner at his new home. Like Miss Mi, he looked tiny in the new home...well, not for long.

New Home

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
OK, I finally got a bigger home for the turtles. This time, it was a 15-gallon tank. Miss Mi looked tiny in this thing on the moving date. It was hard to imagine that she would soon outgrow this tank in merely 10-month time.

Escape Attempt

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
One of the turtle got sick and I had to send it back. So I was left with two. I placed them in this bowl while I changed water for their home. The bottom of this bowl isn't even big enough for two quarters to lie flat. That should give you an idea how big (or small) the turtles were.


Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
I think Miss Mi is the smartest turtle of the three. She quickly figured out the little island in the center is used for basking. This was less than 24 hours after she arrived! The other turtles never quite learned it...or were just too shy.

Three's a crowd

Three's a crowd
Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
OK, I blogged enough about the fish...what about some turtles? This picture was taken right before I placed them in this island habitat I purchased along with the red-ear sliders. They quickly outgrew it. The little tank only lasted about a month.


My betta does his acrobat routine to reach high for the food!

Energizer Bunny

Kissing the Bride
Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
The big guy is going at it, I think I am going to see more baby fish. He is like an energizer bunny. He just keeps going, going, and going...

Roll Call

Video of all the new and old fish together...

Metriaclima lombardoi

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
Female Kenyi, yet another new member of the cichlid tank.

Hemichromic bimacultaus

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
Jewel Cichlid, another new member of the cichlid tank. This is the only non-Malawi cichlid in the tank. My niece insisted on getting it. I was worried that it might be devoured by the mbuna but it stood its own.

Labidochromis sp. "perlmutt"

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
Juvenile Perlmutt, another new member of the cichlid tank.

Metriaclima estherae (Red)

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
Red Zebra, a new member of the cichlid tank.

2-day old cichlid fry

Video of the fry swimming always seemed to be left behind.

Playing Catch-up

Left Behind
Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
The fry still schooled together, just like how they were in the mother's mouth. One was left behind and was swimming hard to try to catch up.


Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
More fish fry, from a new batch. It's barely 2-day old. You can see that it hasn't fully consumed the yolk yet. It has got a cool translucent body.

Fighting its Reflection

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
The betta, who sees its own reflection in the lens of the camera, displays aggression through flaring.

Big Guy's New Cave

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
The big guy quickly claim this cave in the new tank as his new home.

Fish Fry

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
One of the fish fry. I thought he is a male based on the hint of blue but it turned out to be a female.

New Home

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
The baby fish were getting quite big...I had to get a new, bigger home for them.

Product of Love

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
First surviving offsprings. Some of the fish from this batch still live in the tank today.

Mating Ritual

Here is a video of the mating ritual. You can witness the violent body shake I mentioned earlier in this video.

Mating Ritual

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
The big guy was trying to woo the female's interesting how his face darkens whenever he does that. He also shakes his body quite violently, in an attempt to impress the female.

New Friend

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
After getting the ice blue zebra couple, the next cichlid I got was an electric yellow (Labidochromis caeruleus).

Vivid Color

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
The big guy's color really shows when he is around the female. It's quite an amazing display.

The Female Ice Blue Zebra

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
Bought a female for the big guy...pretty soon the female was holding. None of the first offsprings survived. She learned to be a good mother as time went on and many of the fry actually grew up to be adults.

Attack of the Mbuna!

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
While the turtle is digging for some food, the fish just decided that he wouldn't let him have any...


Here is a video that shows just how aggressive this guy can be...that's why I had to put him in his own tank.


Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
This is the icon I use for my flickr account. Isn't he a beauty? He is a Metriclima greshakei, commonly known as an ice blue zebra.

My first cichlid

Originally uploaded by calwhiz.
My love affair with cichlid began with an ice blue zebra. I wanted an aggressive fish that can defend itself against the red-eared sliders I had. But it turned out the mbuna was too aggressive for the turtles to handle. I had to eventually purchase a new tank just for the cichlid. Once I had a tank dedicated to the cichlid, I bought a second one, a third one, and so forth...the rest is history.